Thursday, June 10, 2010

The 100th Post!

This mark my 100th post since I started this food blog last August. Was getting bored at home, playing games on Facebook, surfing the net, just a month after my no pay leave (NPL) last year. So decided to start a food blog to 'document' my experiments in the kitchen.

Once back to work, I could hardly find time and energy to cook and bake, let alone blog... Hence, I have not updated the blog since last Dec. But I'm kinda encouraged to see that everyday there are still visitors visting the blog. :)

Now, I'm again on another long long NPL. And once again, I've time to play in the kitchen. For the time being, I'm just using the recipes that I've tried and tested. And I find myself referring to my blog entries for the recipes :P Hmm... Did I really made all these in my kitchen? I can't remember... Now, getting a little lazy too... Some 'recipes' seem so troublesome now :P

Well, but I do look forward to trying new recipes soon :) and update this blog more actively once again :)
Meanwhile, thanks for visiting :)

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