Monday, December 14, 2009

Baked Cheesecake II

Have been on a porridge diet since my surgery to remove my sinus traction infection. So decided to bake a mini cheesecake on Saturday since I'm stuck at home while Jerome was out fixing his boat at the clubhouse. It is the softest cake I can think of that melts in the mouth and there's no need for chewing. A cheesecake definitely sounds divine from the porridge that I think I'm getting sick of.

Then on Sunday, when my family (parents & sisters) came over to our place, I offered them some cheesecake. Only my youngest sis, Si Ling, wanted to try. In the end, she had all the 3 slices left, saying that it's very yummy :)

So today, I decided to bake 1 bigger 7-inch cake and got her to come & collect the cake after her school.

Cooled Cheesecake

After baking & cooling the cake, I decided that I should cut it up as well. I always have problems cutting cheesecakes.The cheesecake is so soft and moist and loves to stick to the knife and there's always a huge mess  and crumbs involved. I read from on tips about getting clean cuts for cheesecakes. It suggested soaking the knife in hot water before wiping it dry to cut the cake. This soaking in warm water and drying process is to be repeated for every cut. I tried this to cut the cake in half but it just didn't work for me. I've got a huge (yummy) cheesy knife in my hands.

It's always a mess cutting cheesecakes...

So I decided to try using my Wilton's Cake leveler, it's like cutting a cake with a steel wire. (There are people who use dental floss to cut their cheesecake.) Although it's still far from the perfect clean baker's cut, but the crumbs are minimised.

I think I spent about 10 minutes just figuring out how to cut this cake, trying to minimise the mess. I don't think I've managed to achieve much.

3 slices kept for us...

I've managed to keep 3 slices for Jerome & myself for tea tomorrow. How can I resist a slice of perfect cheesecake? Eating the crumbs from the knife, I'm reminded of Coffee Bean's Chicago Cheesecake that got me into loving cheesecakes in the first place :) It's still my favourite cheesecake after all these years.


  1. how about using a string or fishing line to slice through the cake?
    somewhat like flossing... u know the way some hawkers use a
    string or rather fishing line to slice through an egg?

  2. Jerome said that there is a coating found on fishing lines & thread that affect fertility. There is usually a warning sign on the packaging. So don't think it will be safe to use them to cut the cakes. Hmm... going to find out more through the net & see.

  3. hi, my name is maggie.

    I happen to read ur blog as I was searching for gingerbreadman cutters that I am clearing, saw about u cutting up needs a little help. Just warn up ur knife and wipe clean. Dont use zig zag motion to cut ur cake, just directly cut it straight down quick and exit knife fast. thats how I did mine to have nice looks. hope u succeed the next cutting up.

    btw I am just starting my blog and maybe u can add me in too as friend as I am relatively new.

  4. Hi Maggie,
    Thanks for sharing. Will definitely try your method next time :)
