Monday, September 28, 2009

Over the Moon Over Mooncakes: Traditional Baked Mooncakes

The Mid-Autumn Festival (not Mooncake Festival, not lantern Festival) is just around the corner, so it's time to make some mooncakes :) For the past few years, have been making Snowskin Mooncakes. This year, decided to try making traditional baked mooncakes. Found the recipe under Aunty's Yochana's blog. But instead of making my own lotus paste & mooncake syrup, I bought them ready-made from Phoon Huat.

Still using the traditional wooden mould...
Making quite a din knocking the mooncakes out of the mould :P

Freshly Baked Mooncakes Fresh from the oven...

Mini baked White Lotus Paste Mooncakes, packed in a box, ready to be given as gifts...

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